What hasn’t been cancelled?

On a day when we normally would have been surrounded by kids and grands, Dan and I packed our Thanksgiving feast into the wilderness and spread it out on a tablecloth overlooking a snowy landscape.

Chai tea, turkey sandwiches, potatoes and gravy, and veggies never tasted better.


Outdoor feast

Oh, and pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie never tasted better.


One of us has a bigger mouth than the other …

There on the side of a mountain, Dan and I talked about the things we’re most grateful for. 

Honestly, 2020 has been an epic year for us in more ways than one. (This is not to discount the hardships COVID-19 has inflicted upon so many people—physically, mentally/emotionally, and financially.)

I discovered a meme the other day: “Not everything is cancelled …” and then it listed a few not-cancelled things, like, love, and reading, and naps, and kindness, and hope. (Although one friend wrote: “My kids have cancelled my naps for about 6 years and counting.”) 

Which made me think of other things that COVID hasn’t been able to cancel for Dan and me on this Thanksgiving Day …

Our ability to walk in oversized shoes on snow is not cancelled.


Gearing up

Our Thanksgiving feast—and our tastebuds—are not cancelled.

The fresh air is not cancelled.

FaceTime calls from family members are not cancelled.


“Hey! How are you?!”

Our conversations are not cancelled.

Dan’s life—even with recently-detected cancer—is not cancelled. 

“Our marriage license was not cancelled!” chimed in my husband.

“Christmas movies are not cancelled!” my sister-in-law Cheryl contributed earlier in the day. 

It’s human nature, isn’t it, to give more weight to our hard places—to the impossibilities and heartaches and struggles. To allow them to take up large amounts of space.

It’s not human nature to speak gratitude and thanksgiving to God for all the taken-for-granted blessings that make up our everyday lives.

This admonition from Psalm 100:

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

“Negative things come up front more easily,” my very wise husband Dan noted. “But even in challenging times, we can find positive things to give thanks for.”


One of the best quotes for 2020:

This is not the year to get everything you want. This is the year to appreciate everything you have.


What if Plan D is better than Plan A?


9 great ways to support a grieving friend during the holidays


  1. Brenda

    “This is not the year to get everything you want. This is the year to appreciate everything you have.” No truer words!
    So grateful for your blog, your happiness and your perspective!! Happy Thanksgiving with the emphasis on “thanksgiving, rejoicing and living in this moment.” Amen. 🙂

  2. Larry Hess

    I am thankful that Marlys and Dan found one another and were not afraid to continue living and enjoying life to the fullest. The memories – round em up and continue living them with gusto!

  3. Nancy Darst

    Thanks for the reminder, Marlys. There is always something to be thankful for! What a wonderful way to spend the day. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Dan!

    • Well said, Nancy. At a time when my first husband was dying, my sister-in-law sent a wooden plaque with these words (similar to yours): “There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.” It’s been one of my favorite reminders all these years.

  4. Thought provoking Marlys,thanks for the wisdom. Glad you had a nice we

  5. Rita Weick

    I love the quote at the end of your piece. How true! Now- just where were you snowshoeing? The snow looks perfect!

  6. Peter Howe

    Once again you took us into your wonderful unspoiled Cascades, making negative into positive. Strangely, I’ve found I’m finding things that really I don’t need any more and finding someone or somewhere for ‘that thing’ to go, suddenly changes how they and I feel. Such small things are often so meaningful. A new Christmas song is soon to be let loose..’On a beautiful night’ (a nativity song), with Zoom gig sessions, so who knows what will be awaiting this strange Christmas. Loved your message, thinking of you and those walks you two go on. God Bless, Bx P & family.

    • So true, Peter, that the more we let go of things (and the more ‘homes’ we find for the things we thought we needed), the free-er we find ourselves.

      Blessings to you in your song writing and Zoom gig sessions!

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