Are you a refresher?

It’s snowing as I write this—beautiful fluffy white stuff falling from the heavens—but honestly it wasn’t that long ago when I introduced my new husband Dan to a favorite Cascade trail.


The ridge above Broken Top’s well-hidden lake

It ascends to No Name Lake nestled in Broken Top, a complex stratovolcano. From there, the trail continues uphill to an overlook with 360-degree views.


Can you hear me now?

Sitting here in the comfort of a warm house—sipping hot tea and watching the snow frost the birdhouses and fence posts and flower pots—it’s hard to recall how hot that August day was.

But I do remember on the descent, there was this brook. And Dan and I lost no time in removing our hot, dusty boots.

And I absolutely remember the refreshment of the cold mountain stream as we soaked our hot, tired feet.


Unplanned refreshment

Refreshment is defined as, “that which revives, replenishes, restores strength to.”

And a refresher is someone who offers refreshment.

Dan and I want to be refreshers.

But what would that look like?

What if we could offer to keep company with an Alzheimer’s patient while his/her spouse runs errands or keeps an appointment?

What if we could volunteer at a place that offers hot meals or hot showers to the homeless?

What if we could be a mentor to a young person who is going through a time of uncertainty?

What if we could invite discouraged, bereaved, broken-hearted people into our homes and listen over homemade scones and Chai tea?

What if we could leave the comfort of our home and travel to a different culture to be hands-on builders or medical providers?

This thought from one of the ancient proverbs:

Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. — Proverbs 11:25

Dan and I want to be waterers. We want to be revivers and replenishers of all the weary travelers God sends across our path. We want to help restore the strength and courage of others.

We want a lot. And yet … somehow I don’t think it’s too much.


4 reasons for spontaneity or … How to fly a kite


What if Plan D is better than Plan A?


  1. sally

    You two are already Refreshers – there is no doubt about it!…. I have so much I can learn from you!

  2. Pat

    Love reading your journey with Dan.
    So happy that you two are wanting to do the same things!

    • Thank you, Pat. I’m amazed at how much Dan and I have in common in regards to how we want to live our remaining days on this globe. Hugs back at you!

  3. Nasus

    What if two, still honeymooning (in their hearts), caring people helped someone get her ancient snowblower ready to function for the winter, offered needed advice and information plus loving care (to the snowblower and to its owner)? Thank you so much you Sweethearts! Love and treasure you two!

  4. Ali Kent

    You are indeed a refresher. Just reading your blogs uplifts me. May God bless you both in your mission

  5. Peter

    Sorry I have been missing from your messages these past weeks, though there has been much to contemplate in each, thank you as always for sharing. Here you immediately took me to the day my partner & I cycled McKenzie Pass.. so hot & humid, almost dehydrated reaching the top.. but Cool Springs was our Salvation on the way down to Sisters. The spring water was the most refreshing, ever. And, to rest a while, in that ‘garden of Eden’, was my taste of heaven on earth, truly full of wonderment.. butterflies, dragonflies & wildlife, with shafts of light through the canopy. Just had to share this, because you took me back there with your message. That day, George & Barbara Winterfeld.. were our Angels, our refreshers, who had never met us, but took us in like ‘Good Samaritans’ and our friendship lives on.. each one of us rewarded by the giving of ourselves. Our love, thoughts of you & Dan, God Bless. Bx P & family.

    • Thank you for sharing this story, Peter. The perfect example of being refreshed, which I’m sure you’ve paid forward many times over!

      • Peter

        It is both the least and the most, one has the opportunity to give & received. God Bless & thank you. Bx P.

  6. You made my feet tingle in anticipation of a cool stream with a gently flowing current and even the tiny fishlings nibbling on my toes. We’re heading for the beach where I long to remove my shoes and walk in the Oregon ocean. This will be our time to talk about goals for next year. Maybe our state will in opened again and some of these possibilities will be reality. Thank you for sharing, Marlys.

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