We got home from SunRiver to find a moose on our front porch. Perhaps I should explain. A friend, visiting her old stomping grounds, wrote:Trying to figure out how to bring some Alaska to you and hubby. Any requests?

Hubby asked for Baked Alaska, and I requested a live baby moose. We’re both easy to please. Apparently something got lost in the translation. Because we found this hand-crafted, moose-shaped, metal garden ornament planted in a rather large and beautiful fall bouquet. On our front porch. (If I can’t have a live moose, this is definitely the next best thing.)


1 a3y-rflowers


That same day in the mail, an unexpected check from friends in California. This afternoon, a text message: “You up for a cup of Chai tea?” When have I ever not been up for Chai? And so, a visit from local friends bearing gifts. And then this evening, another Chai tea visit with friends passing through on their way from Southern Oregon to Boise.

Someone named Rabindranath Tagore said:

I slept and dreamt life was joy; I awoke and saw life was service; I acted and, behold, service was joy.

I’m guessing God is producing humility in me by allowing us to be in a place that involves so more receiving and not so much serving. Which isn’t necessarily a comfortable place to be.

Here’s what I have to say about that: If you find yourself in this uncomfortable place, then accept the love and support of others. Graciously. Gratefully. Humbly. Allow them the joy of serving.

The card that came with the check from California reads like this: “Always always always always remember you are loved.” Feeling loved as we step out into this unknown next stretch of the cancer journey.