I’m now working full-time from home, and there is no shortage of visitors. Co-workers bearing banana shakes, mango smoothies, dark chocolate. This text from a friend: “Hiya – can I drop off a little something sweet to yous this early afternoon?” All in an effort to entice Hubby to eat.


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Hubby’s appetite has slowed down this past week. Food doesn’t taste good to him. But at least he takes a bite or two of everything I offer. I’ve made from-scratch vanilla pudding (if you’ve ever eaten homemade pudding, you will never, ever eat any other variety, ever). I’ve concocted homemade white and cheese sauces over soft pasta. And there are five flavors of ice cream in our freezer. You know what sounds good? Peach ice cream. And off to the grocery store I run.

The beverage aisle and I have also become intimately acquainted. You know what might be good, he says. And back to the store I run. And the top shelf in our fridge is groaning under all the weight.


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Grape juice and orange juice. Two flavors of sparkling cider. Four different kinds of fruit-infused waters. Dr. Pepper and 7-Up. Chocolate milk. Crystal Geyser Juice Squeeze. Looza Peach Juice Drink, 365 Black Cherry Juice, Knudsen Organic Pear Juice. Half-hearted sips. But nothing that excites his taste buds.

And then just now Hubby says, “You know what sounds good? A Chai tea.” Seriously? You’re not messing with me? I’ll be right back.


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I’ve never heard Hubby say that a Chai tea sounded good. And sure enough, he only takes one puny sip. I suspect he really wanted me to have a Chai. So he invented this sudden desire.

You see why Hubby and I are soul mates. This is a man still winning my heart. Daily.