Author: Marlys Lawry Page 3 of 54

Who taught the salmon to swim upstream?

Dan and I hiked up above the town of Seward and crossed a creek where pink salmon were fighting their way upstream. This isn’t the first Alaskan creek or river we’ve discovered with salmon finding their way back to the place of their birth.

Resting in the shallows

Why best-laid plans go awry

The first day of our planned trip to Alaska didn’t go as planned.

Road to Hyder, Alaska (photo: Marlys)

People: Accidental and on purpose

On the way to our mailbox down the street, I noticed a woman slowly rolling a large tire from her car to the side of her garage. My first thought was, “She shouldn’t be doing that. I’ll unload her tires for her.”

But then she fell and together we couldn’t get her up. So I called Dan who showed up just as a young couple from down the street happened by.

Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

You, too, can be a superhero

A superhero is typically defined as a good person with superhuman powers. But what if a superhero is really just an everyday human who chooses to do good?

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Why road trips are good for the body, soul, and spirit

Road trips. They’re so full of the promise of adventure, of seeing new places and meeting new people and learning new things.

Thoughts on adoption and our chosen-ness

Our home church in Bend, Oregon, has a significant number of families who have expanded their size through adoption. One young couple is currently preparing to adopt for the second time. To help offset the expenses, Foundry Church established an adoption fund, and families in the church are organizing a fundraiser.

Waiting for my luggage

At the time of this writing, it’s been 46 hours since we landed, exhausted from a flight that originated in Puerto Rico at 1:00 in the morning … to Newark … to San Francisco … to central Oregon.

My luggage didn’t land with us.

Photo by Jefferson Sees on Unsplash

The power of gratitude … or, how my brothers-in-law almost ruined my husband

Dan and I recently returned from vacationing in Hawaii with three couples—all members of my deceased husband’s family. Weird, right?

Road closures ahead

It might not have been the best timing to help load up a U-Haul truck and drive back through three states over multiple mountain passes. But we were glad to assist.

When you discover your toilet in the bathtub

We couldn’t find our toilet. We noticed it had been removed, but it wasn’t anywhere in the garage. And then later, I walked further into the bathroom and there, partially hidden behind the shower curtain, stood our toilet. In our bathtub.

All photos: Marlys

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