It seems we humans tend to not appreciate things—like, our good health, or our people, or a way of life, or our freedoms—until we lose them.

Once upon a time, I was in a living situation where we were allowed one shower a week. To this day, I am overly grateful for hot showers.
Through the years, but particularly as my husband, Gary, was dying of cancer, I’ve tried to practice gratitude for those things (and especially those people) I would miss if I were to lose them.
In this thoughtful poem, Laura Kelly Fanucci expresses my sentiments exactly:
When this is over
May we never again take for granted
A handshake with a stranger
Full shelves at the store
Conversations with neighbors
A crowded theater
Friday night out
The taste of communion
A routine checkup
A school rush each morning
Coffee with a friend
The stadium roaring
Each deep breath
A boring Tuesday
Life itself.
When this ends,
May we find
That we have become
More like the people
We wanted to be
We were called to be
We hoped to be
And may we
Stay that way — better
For each other
Because of the worst.
Irene Kain
What an excellent message! Thank you!
Marlys Johnson
You’re welcome, Irene!
Carol Graham
Nicely stated.
Marlys Johnson
I don’t know who Laura Kelly Fanucci is, but her words expressed my sentiments exactly. Blessings to you, Carol, during this season.
sally slick
Perfectly states, Marlys! Yes! I would like to share this please?
Marlys Johnson
Absolutely, Sally … please share!
Roxanne Olson
What a great reminder. And your illustration shows you are making the most of it and finding creative and fun ways to bring your message to the rest of us! Made me laugh. Thanks
Marlys Johnson
Roxanne – A friend and I were wondering how long before that toilet paper got snagged by someone! haha!
Allison J McCormick
So beautiful stated. I do believe we can rise from this darkness better for the experience. Thank you for sharing!
Marlys Johnson
I completely agree with you, Allison – thank you.
Great stuff! Great picture!
Marlys Johnson
Stan, people in Bend tend to dress up the outdoor artwork. I’ve seen that same logger with a full Santa’s beard, red hat with white trim, and twinkly lights. Haha!
Beth Vice
Thank you for this Marlys. Loved the illustration! And the poem is delightful.
Marlys Johnson
Thank you, Beth. Blessings to you during this season.
The beautiful verse is so thought provoking. It took me to 1956/7 when I was doing odd jobs for families of military officers serving in the Middle East (I.e. The Suez crisis). One such officer – Lt. Col. Wooley was to give me my reference (to enable me to join the Police Service). He handed me the sealed reference, he looked me square in the eyes and shook my hand (a real sincere hand shake) and he said, “Remember Peter, a stranger is the friend you’ve yet to meet”. I took this to heart and into my Police Service and I do believe it’s served me well for my service and in fact my life… so far. Now today & everyone’s concerns… My Barbara & I take her much needed, once a day stroll, to help her fitness. We reach the village and the few shops, I get us a coffee & we sit in the little garden to drink it and take in the passing traffic and folk. I do think that our actions ( sitting there in the garden like Derby & Jones) has created a picture which people react to, with a smile, a passing of the day, a ‘hello’, basically people being friendly & caring. I know we appreciate their caring & we will remember ‘How it was at the time of Covid 19’. We pray we will all pull through this worrying time. Our love & prayers, Bx P &a family.
Marlys Johnson
Peter – I can just picture you and Barbara in that little garden in your English village with your coffee and a cheerful word for the people as they pass by! And this “picture” brought a smile to my face. Blessings to you both during this challenging season.