National Honesty Day: Can I just whine for a minute?

Today is National Honesty Day, founded in the early 1990s by M. Hirsh Goldberg. Can I just be honest and whine for a minute?


Credit: Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes creator 


Here’s my gripe: My laptop with the piece of white fruit embedded on the front cover has served me well. But earlier this week it didn’t charge overnight.

I took adaptor/plug-in and laptop to the local electronics mega-store, picked out a new adaptor, and asked nicely at the Customer Service desk: “Can I plug this in and try it out? Just to make sure the problem isn’t with my laptop.”

Nope. Can’t open the box in the store.

“So if I take it home and it turns out it’s not a power source issue, does that mean I can’t bring it back?” (This asked in a less-nice tone.)

Oh, yes. You can return it.

Deep sigh: “So, do I have the right adaptor?”

Looks like it.

There was nothing to do but pay for the thing in the white box and leave.

Turns out, the new purchase was the same shape, size, and color (white). But there was no cord attached. No cord to connect the power source to adaptor to computer. Apparently now you have to purchase the plug-in cord separately.

Isn’t that like buying an airline ticket, and then discovering you have to pay extra to have a seat inside the plane? And extra to use the restroom? But I digress.

A trip back to the electronics mega-store.

You have the wrong adaptor. 

The correct adaptor had a plug-in cord attached. But for the sake of my whining, it’s important to note this is the third adaptor since I’ve had this laptop. The machine came with one; I had to purchase a new one a little over a year ago; and now we’re on the third.

It wouldn’t be so bad if the adaptor cost say, $9.95.

But try $79.95.

My husband, Gary, worked on computers since the days when they filled entire air-conditioned rooms and had fewer brains than the oldest PC you’ve ever owned.

One of Hubby’s pet peeves was when I grumbled about upgrades when the old way worked just fine and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, and why couldn’t these computer software creators be a little more logical and intuitive? Those kinds of complaints.

Where was he when I needed to whine about computer accessories and the rip-off technique of the people behind the fruit on the front cover?

Back to National Honesty Day. I really don’t think the founder intended it to be National Whining Day, no matter how authentically honest the complaint.

And actually, if we want to be honest, here’s the truth: Although I dealt with frustrating computer issues this week, I have much to not whine about:

Living in this beautiful central Oregon

A vehicle that starts every time I turn the key (well, except when I run the battery down, which happened only once since Hubby died, but it was his fault)

FaceTiming with some significantly extraordinary youngsters and teensters who call me grandma

Sitting in church this morning with no fear of being hauled off to prison

Knitted mismatched fingerless mitts finished (seriously therapeutic)

Chicken pot pie for lunch

Hiking alone multiple times this week — sound of Tumalo Creek rushing over large boulders, smell of pine, both legs working on dirt trail

Friends surrounding me on a trail yesterday: sunshine. gathering afterward at wildroots coffeehouse. chai tea. ginger molasses cookie. burbling chatter.

Dog-sitting this weekend, which meant some furry unconditional love (also seriously therapeutic)


Walking this dog along this creek in this sunshine


And that’s just this week.

Which begs the question: Is there anything you’re honestly grateful for on this National Honesty Day?

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How spontaneous are you?


  1. sally slick

    I want that dog!

    Hi Marlys – another great article…. thought provoking….


    • Sally, that dog is a rescue dog named Titus. I’m not sure his mix, but he’s an awfully sweet little guy. His mom and dad left me a generous Starbux gift card as a thank-you for dog-sitting, when I should have left THEM a gift card as a thank-you for allowing me to dog-sit!

  2. Brenda

    Grateful for the gifts we receive every day -freely given! Like your amazing blog and the wise, thankful, loving thoughts/musings you share honestly with those of us that wish we were half as wise.

    Blessings to you Marlys and thankful for this crazy, wild ride of a joy-filled life.

  3. Lonnie

    I loved that, I can see that kind of writing being syndicated : ) Of course you probably couldn’t put the cartoon in it then ; ).

    That’s you and it’s infectious ❤️

    The cancer blog is you too, and it’s informative and helpful and no doubt finds someone every week who needs just what was written. But like this one, you are more than just that. Good job Marlys.

    • Thank you for encouraging me to broaden my horizons, Lonnie. Seems I have a good amount of cheerleaders in my life, for whom I am grateful! Now all you need to do is come up with a new name in place of Cancer Adventures – a name that defines the broader message/mission/vision. 🙂

  4. Lonnie

    P.S. what became of the plug issue?????

    • The first adaptor I purchased was the wrong one; the second one had a cord and plug-in attached to it. But my whining about price and how frequently adaptors/plugs die is still valid. Ha!

  5. Tanya Neelon

    Be grateful that Jordan wasn’t with you when you had Titus….it would have been a whirlwind of a weekend! LOL.
    Enjoyed your article and cartoon very much!!!

  6. Great post, Marlys. Only you can turn a whine into a dine! I love how you reframe stuff. Your post made me laugh. Made me tear up. Made me think.

    • And I love your use of the word “reframe”, Lynn. For isn’t that our choice for good quality of life … or not-so-good quality of life?

  7. Penny M. Johnson

    Your cartoon made me remember speaking with my daughter Megan, whenever I got on her to clean her room, she would rant and rave and the cartoon helped me to laugh at how kids just want to have their stuff left alone. Sometimes I got to the point where I cleaned it much to her horror, because she couldn’t find anything…..sigh, she thrived in the mess. But the one cool thing that came from her rants and raves, her house is spotless!! Go figure!
    I love how you share what I feel is joy and not taking ourselves so seriously, you my dear are a breath of fresh air and know I whisper a prayer for you time to time……bless you lady…..PJ????

    • Kids and their rooms! (Don’t tell my daughter I told you, but our son actually kept his room cleaner than she did.) Thank you for feeling my joy, and for your prayers, Penny.

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