An unsent love letter

Before Hubby and I were a couple, we wrote a years’ worth of letters back and forth between Denver and Europe. When I packed to return to America, I left his letters behind. Weight limits on luggage.

I would give anything to have those letters back.

Photo credit: Pixabay


Recently, I sat down and wrote a letter to Hubby — not my first to him since he died:

“I was thinking of all the value added from being married to you. There were the things I said to you frequently: You’re the most kind and thoughtful husband I know. I love your sense of humor. You’re a really great dad. I love the life you provided for me.

“I remember telling you that I would miss your wisdom — how we talked through major issues and always arrived at a joint decision — and who would I do that with after you were gone?

“And then there were some things I didn’t say frequently enough: how much I appreciated that you supported me in most of my wild and crazy ideas, like fundraising and taking high school students to Europe and Australia and Hawaii. And wanting to write a book. Thank you for believing in me, for being my biggest cheerleader.”

The letter went on, of course, because from time to time there is much I find myself wanting to say to him. Mostly, though, I want him to know I’m happy and that he had a good deal to do with that.


Back in December 1985, there was a plane that crashed on an airstrip in Newfoundland. Two hundred and forty-eight American soldiers of the 101st Airborne lost their lives. They were on their way home for the holidays after a peace-keeping tour in the Middle East.

From a speech by President Ronald Reagan at the memorial service held in a hangar:

You who mourn: You were part of them. And just as you think today of the joy they gave you, think for a moment of the joy you gave them, and be glad. For love is never wasted … love lives on and sees us through sorrow.

Opening one’s heart to love, being vulnerable to someone — this sets us up for sorrow. But life and love are so worth the sorrow.

Speaking from experience, love is never wasted.

If you knew that very special person in your life would be with you say, only a week longer, what would you say to him/her? Why not go ahead and say it?

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  1. Julie Koon

    Just so good… About what really matters!
    Thank you, Marlys!

  2. Nasus

    Hugs and many thanks to you for sharing this inspirational wisdom! It seems like the world is spinning faster and faster, while time rapidly leaks out and away from the force of it all! What a precious reminder to cherish each person and every moment spent with those whom I love. Time is very short! Thank you! May God bless and keep you, dear Marlys!

  3. Tracey

    Bless you my dear friend.

  4. Tami Brigham

    Marlys, what a beautiful tribute to your husband and to your marriage. I cried reading it. I have not written a letter to husband since he has been gone.I think I will now. Thank you!

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