Helping you discover new purpose in seasons of loss
Marlys is available for personal coaching and accountability. Inspired by her own significant losses, Marlys helps you build a foundation for living well with and after life’s crises: a serious illness, caregiving, financial setbacks, loss of a way of life, or death of a loved one.
What you can expect from me
✓ Prompt responses to your email and phone calls
✓ Thirteen one-hour sessions every two weeks for six months: over the phone, in person, or via Skype or FaceTime
✓ A link to take an online pre-paid personality assessment before your first session
✓ Grief and managing loss
✓ Self-care
✓ Maintaining healthy relationships
✓ Getting plugged into community
✓ Gratitude and seeing through different lenses
✓ Prioritizing what’s most important in your life
✓ Finding new purpose
Action steps assigned following each one-hour session
Post-coaching communication for any feedback you might have to offer
A little about my experience
During the years I served as Survivorship Coordinator at St. Charles Cancer Center, I was caregiver to my live-in mom as she sunk further into dementia and for my husband, Gary, with late-stage cancer.
I have been widowed since November 2014, and my days are currently filled with blogging, contributing writing for national web-based organizations, coaching, national speaking, and writing a second book.
What I’m not: Counselor
What I am: Coach
Inquire about coaching
If you’d like to know more about the details of what I offer through coaching or want to check my availability, please contact me through the email form on this page. Thank you.