Author: Marlys Lawry Page 5 of 53

Is stubbornness a good thing?

Temps were in the 40s and a wind was blowing cold. We layered up and set off as the trail wound down into a ravine before pushing uphill.

The first waterfall – St. Mary Waterfall – was small but mighty as it roared into a green-blue pool before rushing away.

The first in a series of waterfalls on the trail

What if you could write history?

Dan and I have been touring museums and monuments and historic sites as we work our way from Oregon to Wisconsin and back. I didn’t appreciate history in school, but I find it fascinating these days.

At Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse, we watched videos of how the sculptors (read: dynamite handlers) shaped the mountains of stone into presidents’ faces and an Indian chief on a horse. Mind boggling.

Presidents Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt, and Lincoln — S. Dakota
Crazy Horse — S. Dakota

Random thoughts from the road

As I write this, Dan and I are winding uphill—between 8-9000′ in elevation—somewhere in eastern Wyoming, past tall cliffs interspersed with evergreen forests and into Big Horn County. We just passed a sign indicating: “Moose next 5 miles.” So naturally we’re watching for big horn sheep and moose.

Photo by Zachery Perry on Unsplash

What is it about marriage?

Dan and I recently celebrated our wedding anniversary in one of the cabins at the historic Weasku Inn near the Rogue River. We can now say that we’ve been married for years.

(2 years … but still.)

The historic Weasku Inn, a favorite fishing retreat for Clark Gable back in the day

Because food is one of the ways we love each other

“Do you want to go to dinner with some friends of mine?” Dan asked back when we were hiking and snowshoeing and building a friendship, back when we were ‘non-dating.’

Photo by Nadia Valko on Unsplash

What if we got the exact wound we needed?

My quarantine gave me time to reflect on how I arrived at this abundant place—belonging to this new husband, enjoying this lovely, peace-filled home, this graced season.

I arrived via woundedness.

What if you got exactly the wound you needed in order to become the person you have become, to fulfill the destiny you are called to create, that ‘sacred wound’ in which you were hurt in exactly the way life needed you to be? – Joie Foster

Photo by Joe Gardner on Unsplash

But I like it here on the couch

It would be so much easier, so much more comfortable, to set aside my goal of a published book and simply write blog posts and magazine articles. From the couch.

Honestly, I like our couch. It’s super comfortable. The view out the large picture windows is green and woodsy. There’s no stress or anxiety on this couch.

Photo by sarandy westfall on Unsplash

What are you doing with all those rocks?

When we added on to our home, I had originally hoped for a covered front porch that would say, “Welcome … stay a while.” The contractor pointed out our low-hanging eaves and that our entry was already dark. “A covered porch would make it even darker,” he said.

So he and his crew got creative, and the result is an entry with pergola and pavers that give the impression of a front porch while still letting in the light.

What if we stopped celebrating being busy?

The weather report called for intermittent rain over Memorial Day weekend. Of course. It’s Oregon.

But rain has never deterred this Johnson bunch. They’ve been camping together for the past fifty-some years (minus COVID 2020).

Photo by Alice Davies on Unsplash

What does editing our stories look like?

About a month before I met Dan, I came across a quote from Susan Statham:

Your life is a story. Write well. Edit often.

This quote gave me pause. How does the editing process work?

Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

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