What truly brings you joy?

My Walking for Wellness crew—because of self-quarantined living—set up a text group. Which means my phone pings frequently. Smile.


Walking 4 Wellness crew

I’ve often referred to these people as the Walking-4-Wellness-But-We’re-Really-Here-For-The-Coffee-Afterward posse. Which I blame on Fearless Leader Michelle who got us hooked on local coffee shops after each walk.


Fearless Leader Michelle

This is a group of people who—as my husband was dying of cancer—came bearing books and food and in lieu of flowers, one couple paid for cable TV during football season. Because they know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of cancer.

And then they were drafted as part of my widow team. Showing me how to change the oil in my car (I might’ve flunked that class). Including me in every walk, concert, potluck, birthday celebration. Helping me pare down and pack up to move back east. Keeping my things stored in their trailer because I didn’t move after all.

And then COVID-19 showed up. And the W4W crew determined to stay connected via text.

Helpful pandemic tips and patterns for mask-making were passed around. (One coffee-guzzling team member asked if she could utilize her used coffee filters in her mask for the aroma.)

Humorous videos and childhood photos were posted.

We were encouraged to list the things we didn’t mean to take for granted but will appreciate more fully when this is all over (you can guess what the coffee-guzzling team member included).

Riddles, inspirational memes—even an engagement announcement!—and general nonsense were shared.

But mostly general nonsense.


Coffee-shop-invading posse

Talking about staying connected: I got an unexpected FaceTime call the other evening from my granddaughter in Pennsylvania, and my daughter, son-in-law and grandson in Albany, Oregon. A five-way conversation until we added in two more people.

A girlfriend told me that she and several of her high school classmates from ten years ago linked up online.

And just last week, eight of the women from my Bible study group joined in via video to begin our next study together.

How cool is all that?!

There is this thought from Bella Grace magazine:

We live in a world that seems to glorify running ourselves ragged as we pursue big goals and even bigger dreams. It’s easy to fall into the trap of equating being busy with being worthy and fulfilled.

Take a moment and let the world fall quiet around you. What truly brings you joy?

What if?

I’ve always thought that having people to love and people who love us is one of our most valuable assets.

What if we could take a moment (or days) and let the world fall quietly around us? We can.

What if we could determine what truly brings us joy, and what if it’s the people in our lives? Chances are, it will be.

What would it look like if we could make the extra effort to stay connected with our people even after this crazy, uncertain season has passed?

It would look beautiful.


What if we could live fully in the small moments?


What are you afraid of?


  1. Gary

    Hi: All of this sounds like a great group to get to know. Specialty at this time in need of friends. When this is all over, we will be back together doing the walking and coffee ☕️ ❤️?

  2. Peter

    I arrived home to open your message and it soothed me greatly. I had just cycled around 10 miles out to our coast, to Saltburn. The ride was superb, weather, a very sunny if windy feel. So, since my Barbara’s seizures I daren’t travel too far. But, today I felt really driven to escape to my favourite beach where I would, in the past, surf for hours. Saltburn is also very special, it’s where my late brother David would be with me surfing. If you can picture the scene, I decided to sit on the high cliff, it was so peaceful, there were gentle regular sets of waves and I really felt a spiritual presence and emotions overflowed. Yes, the trip was a special one, but to arrive home and to open this message, I felt I had experienced so much of what you had written, especially to take it slowly, to savour each moment, one step at a time and let the whole leisurely experience wash over you/me. Loved being a part of your message, sure so many readers will be blessed, as they read. With thoughts of Easter, we will remember. Stay safe. Bx P & family. PS Our day was made complete… a walk with Barbara.

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