There was quite a bit of excitement at my neighborhood Starbux Café this afternoon when this hard white stuff started falling from the sky.

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The locals weren’t quite sure what to make of it. I actually heard someone say something about the Apocalypse. Seriously?

Seems we’ve been having not-your-normal weather here in southern California. It rained good and hard a couple evenings ago and it’s pouring down even as we speak.

I actually saw a bit of snow on the mountains on my way to church this morning. Mountains and snow in SoCal. Who knew?

By mid-afternoon, a cool 55 degrees and some awesome-looking clouds toward the ocean. So I hopped on my pink ride and headed west. In between showers.


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One lone sailboat out on the Pacific. And one lone cyclist (me) for a long stretch of the bike path that spreads across the sand.


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Enjoying a ferocious winter in Marina del Rey. You people out east don’t know what winter is. Yes, I’m talking to you, Jersey.

Side note: I was at the bike rack outside a store when someone approached me on his bike.

“Nice rims,” he said.


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Pretty sure he was talking about my bike.